Miss Paisley sure has become a PUPPY these last few days.
Shaun had her out at the doggie park and was ready to LEAVE her there by the end of it.
So far she's eaten my hair straighter, and some sandals.
There are currently 2 big holes in the backyard.
I'm sure this is just the tip of the "bad dog" iceberg!!!
The last week has been a busy one for Paisley.
She had her last set of shots and was finally allowed to hang out with other dogs.
She's met King, Whiskey, Jackson (and of course Tiara, and Pepper!)
She's gone to the doggie park for the very first time and was amazing. (although i think it was because Pepper came and Paisley stuck REAL close to Pepper the whole time!)
I'll stop blabbing, and start posting photos :)
Onto Paisley and Jackson's Play Date ....

that's my girl! :D

Does Tristan REALLY like playing with the dogs? - oh wait.. he's splashing in a puddle. that's more like it.

Awwww, they're sharing!

Paisley's boyfriend, Jackson. He's only 3 weeks older than her - but HOLY he's huge!!!

Shaun came to visit on his lunch break - YAY!

Check out the DIRT in Tristan's ear. Way to go, big guy!

She looks soooo sad!

the trio that keep me busy! :)

Paisley sneaking some of Tia's food! Bad girl!